
Sunday, June 18, 2017

Taman Safari Bogor Indonesia - Daytrip with Children - Part 2

This is a continuation from the previous part 1 which I wrote here.

We get to the main entrance area at about noon time, and soon it was time for lunch.

The weather was great, it was cooling and the hospitality was warm. Lunch was really good and it was affordable. They didn't quite set it up to make it expensive like other attractions which did so.

After lunch, we went to the zoo area by foot.

It was set up in an enclosed setting where we need to move around quite up and down, and there were a few parts where the enclosed area was completely dark and you can see the night owl. Small children and elderly adults might have difficulties navigating the area with ease.

But so far so good for us, no problem much navigating as I had to carry my boy in the dark area.

We saw plenty of animals here.

The buaya was local and they were mostly on land, sleeping. Buaya is nothing but an alligator that you see most around.

There were also animals like horses, elephants or camels where you can pet, feed or ride on them for a small fee. I am not a big fan of riding on animals so we just did mostly on the feeding.

Then there was the Orang Utan where they kept raising their hands asking for food to feed them. It was funny because they seem to know people are coming. Hello there Orang Utan!

We also went for a few shows and we had to move and plan for our time carefully because we couldn't obviously watch a lot of them with the crowd and also we had to time for our going back at around evening.

The first show we watched was the elephant show which was held in an open area setting.

I personally quite like the elephant show on this one as compared to the one in Singapore as there are a lot more interaction with the elephants and also storyline back on how the Himalaya elephants were being tortured and hunted for their trunks.

The elephants also did a great work drawing with their trunks and they managed to raise a sum of money for donation purpose. It was great.

Next, we proceeded to watch the bird show.

The bird show was very interesting for me because it was set up in an open setting and they showed where the bird lives on their nest and how the eagle would hunt for their prey. The fact that the birds flew around in an open setting makes it even more real and it was a great sight to behold.

We also watched the sealion show which was pretty standard and typical.

The main highlight of the show was the tiger show.

I can't recall any zoo in other parts of the world where they had the tiger show so we were excited what's to come, especially since Oscar was really looking forward to seeing the tiger moves around.

The show started brilliantly when the tiger came out and quickly jump onto the tree to hunt the meat.

We were awed by it and at some point a bit afraid as the tiger might just jump from the tree to the audience area and as you can see the cage wasn't high enough. But I think it was fine as the tigers were all well trained.

There were several tigers that were on stage throughout the duration and both the white and Himalayan tiger were all introduced.

Overall, I think it's a great family day out activities and the kids were excited and tired by the time we left for the day.

If you are around the area, I think it makes a great case to visit, especially if you have children.

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